Al Jazeera sues former VP Gore over Current TV

Getty Images·CNBC

Al Jazeera America filed a lawsuit on Friday against former Vice President Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the former owners of the embattled TV network that became Al Jazeera America in 2013, claiming entitlement to money that is being held in escrow.

Gore and Hyatt sued the network last month in Delaware Court of Chancery for allegedly withholding tens of millions of dollars placed in escrow when it sold Current TV for $500 million.

On Friday, Al Jazeera America alleged Gore and Hyatt failed to live up to a promise to indemnify its firm for claims made against the network while it was under their management.

"Al Jazeera America rightfully seeks compensation from an escrow fund that was established solely and specifically to protect Al Jazeera against any harm resulting from these inaccurate representations," Al Jazeera said. "Al Jazeera America rightfully seeks compensation from an escrow fund that was established solely and specifically to protect Al Jazeera against any harm resulting from these inaccurate representations."

Al Jazeera said it made five claims on the escrow money, relating mostly to disagreements it had with distributors after the deal closed.

--The Associated Press contributed to this report.
