Bulls are chipping into Rambus

(The following is an example of notable trading cited on optionMONSTER's InsideOptions Pro service yesterday.)

Rambus has marched higher for months, and traders are looking for more gains in the chip-design company.

optionMONSTER's Heat Seeker system showed that nearly 6,000 August 15 calls were purchased for $0.34 to $0.50 yesterday. This is clearly fresh buying, as open interest in the strike was just 343 contracts before the session began.

These long calls lock in the price where the stock can be purchased through mid-August no matter how far it might climb. They could be sold earlier at a profit if premiums rise with a rally before then, providing potentially significant leverage, but the contracts will expire worthless if shares remain below $15. (See our Education section)

RMBS climbed 2.63 percent to $12.90 yesterday. The stock rebounded sharply after falling to $10 in mid-January, the same level where it bounced in October. Management has not announced the date of its next earnings report, but last year's calendar suggests that results will come out later this month.

Yesterday's overall option volume in Rambus was 27 times its daily average for the last month. Calls accounting for a bullish 96 percent of the total.

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