24 Times I Was Disgusted By Consumerism And Capitalism This Month

1. The Yeti collection:

2. The reality of vegan wool:

3. The private jet community:

4. The hypocrisy:

5. The Big Lots:

6. The birth conundrum:

7. The wasteful packaging:

8. The shoe collection:

9. The irony:

10. Again, the irony:

11. The apple:

12. The coconuts:

13. The turtles:

14. The "water tasting":

15. The reckless waste:

16. The lie:

17. The transportation truth:

18. The greenwashing:

19. The egg:

20. The sticker:

21. The traffic:

22. The Snack Pack:

23. The move out:

24. And finally, the aggressive marketing:

H/T: r/anticonsumption

H/T: r/ConsciousConsumers
