Avantor Inc Insiders are Selling. Investors Should Take Notice

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GuruFocus data shows that EVP and AMEA Christophe Couturier purchased 10,184 Avantor Inc shares (NYSE:AVTR), on 2021-12-25.

Avantor Inc Insiders are Selling. Investors Should Take NoticeAvantor Inc Insiders are Selling. Investors Should Take Notice
Avantor Inc Insiders are Selling. Investors Should Take Notice

Insiders selling shares can cause investors concern. This could indicate that insiders have become bearish about the shares of their company's stock. Investors should pay close attention to insiders' ability to determine the company's value. We will take a closer look at Avantor Inc's insider sale to determine if investors should be skeptical.

Christophe Couturier trades

Christophe Couturier sold total 143,411 shares over the last year.

Christophe Couturier may have been selling the stock of their company for a long time. Contrary to what one might expect, this could be a good sign for stock. Insiders selling frequently could indicate that their company has a large number of stock options for executives. Executives will sell some shares to raise cash. It is possible, however, that insiders became more bearish about the stock. Insider selling should not be taken lightly by investors.

Trends from the inside

One insider selling doesn't necessarily mean other insiders have a bearish view of the stock. Is the stock being sold by other insiders? Or have top company executives and owners bought more recently?

Avantor Inc's insider transactions history shows that there were 1 insider buys over the last year. During the same period, 37 insiders were also sold.

Christophe Couturier has not been the only insider to sell shares in recent months. Other company insiders have also started selling more than buying, which can be worrying for investors. We should remember that insiders can sell shares for many reasons. A high level of insider sales could indicate a negative sign or neutral, depending upon the motivation behind it.

Note that the facts and numbers quoted in this article are current as of writing. They may not reflect the most recent trading data and company announcements.

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This article first appeared on GuruFocus.
