Did Santa Bring You What You Wanted?

I am going to start off with the idea that Santa did bring me just what I wanted. We did have a White Christmas here in Chicago. Call me a traditionalist, but there is nothing like it, especially when the weatherman doesn't say its going to happen.

Besides the White Christmas or Peace on Earth or those intangible ideas did Santa bring you what you wanted this year?

Early reads on holiday spending are really bad, with Shopptracker lowering estimates and one number coming in at 0.7% growth... I heard it in passing through a news channel. But there is still some time for realtors to score some last minute sales as today is a traditionally big day for mall traffic.

So I was thinking, if we list out some of the things that Santa got us, or we got for the Big Guy to give to others, then we could get an idea of what is moving.

Join in and tell us what you got or gave and let's see if we can draw some conclusions from that!

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