Easy Ways To Cut Back on Spending Every Day



It’s easy to let your daily spending get out of control. Your small purchases can quickly add up, especially if you’re spending more than you need to be. Check out these simple ways to cut back on spending every day.


You had a long day at work and are faced with the prospect of cooking dinner from scratch or the easier option of ordering in. Usually, the shortcut meal will win out, but it is most likely not the cheapest option. Plan your meals ahead so you have the ingredients in your house that you need ahead of time and look into batch cooking or pre-made meal ideas that will let you quickly get dinner on the table without any heavy lifting. Also, remember that shopping with a grocery list can reduce your spending since you only buy what you need.

Put extra cash in your wallet by bringing your lunch to work and eating out less. Cut down on splurges like trips to the coffee shop (brew your own at home) and the frequency you go out for drinks, which can be expensive.


Dry cleaning is expensive, so avoid buying new clothes that are dry-clean only, or buy wrinkle-free shirts. Investing in an inexpensive steamer can also save you countless dollars. Detergent is pricy, so try to buy in bulk, or look for sales and coupons to get the best deals.


Commuting is not only expensive — it’s also stressful. Consider setting up a carpool to reduce gas and parking costs. Choose your car wisely — avoid a gas guzzler that will drain you every time you refill the tank, and make sure you stay on top servicing your car to avoid costly breakdowns. Take public transportation (make sure you purchase a discounted monthly pass if possible) or stay active while saving money by walking or biking to work.


Make sure your bank doesn’t charge you fees for your accounts and avoid late fees that are an unnecessary added expense. Use a service like Manilla.com to get monthly reminders for when your bills are due.


Everyone wants to unwind and relax, but entertainment costs can accumulate quickly. Instead of purchasing a new book, borrow it from the library or use Kindle’s lending library. In some cities, the price of a movie ticket and snacks has soared to more than $20, so try watching movies at home instead with a service like Netflix instead. Also, reconsider your cable package to see if you can lower you’re cable bill — it will ensure you aren’t paying for premium channels you don’t watch.


Saving on utility bills is not only good for your wallet, but it’s also good for the environment. Shrink your electric bill by unplugging items not in use and always turning off the lights when you aren’t in a room. Turn the thermostat down a few degrees in the winter and up a few degrees in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs. Reduce your water bill by taking shorter showers and only run the dishwasher or a load of laundry when they’re full.

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