EM ASIA FX-Malaysian ringgit, Singapore dollar up; yuan lower

Jan 11 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian

currencies against the dollar on Thursday.



Change as of 0152 GMT

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move

Japan yen 111.520 111.42 -0.09

Sing dlr 1.332 1.3340 +0.14

Taiwan dlr 29.593 29.601 +0.03

Korean won 1071.400 1071.9 +0.05

Baht 32.070 32.11 +0.12

Peso 50.355 50.38 +0.05

Rupiah 13427.000 13434 +0.05

Rupee 63.590 63.59 0.00

Ringgit 3.985 4.002 +0.43

Yuan 6.514 6.5071 -0.10

Change so far

Currency Latest bid End 2017 Pct Move

Japan yen 111.520 112.67 +1.03

Sing dlr 1.332 1.3373 +0.39

Taiwan dlr 29.593 29.848 +0.86

Korean won 1071.400 1070.50 -0.08

Baht 32.070 32.58 +1.59

Peso 50.355 49.93 -0.84

Rupiah 13427.000 13565 +1.03

Rupee 63.590 63.87 +0.44

Ringgit 3.985 4.0440 +1.48

Yuan 6.514 6.5069 -0.10

(Reporting by Aditya Soni in Bengaluru; Editing by Biju

