Boeing expects supply chain issues to persist through 2023

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Yahoo Finance Live anchors discuss the ongoing supply chain issues for Aerospace company Boeing.

Video Transcript

BRAD SMITH: Let's talk about Boeing here for a hot second, too, though and go to the skies here. Boeing expecting supply chain issues to persist almost until the end of 2023 due to labor shortages and, in part, due to faster than expected return of demand. And let's marry this with what the company had also said in the most recent earnings report as well. They said it's been a real issue for manufacturers. And it's probably going to stay that way, in their view, to the end of next year.

Actually, Calhoun said that most recently in Cutter. But in the earnings call, you had the CFO actually saying, given some of the supply chain disruption and timing of taking airplanes out of storage, deliveries were slightly below our expectations. The headline on here is this could continue to impact the amount of deliveries that Boeing is able to move forward with, especially in some of those backlogged areas.

JULIE HYMAN: And some of its clients are not waiting around for Boeing, although you would think that this would affect everyone, but I guess we have seen some companies manage this better than others. Bloomberg reporting that Emirates, that airline is maybe going to order more Airbuses because of the delays with the Boeing planes. As we know, those are the, I mean, the two. It's basically--


JULIE HYMAN: --a two-host-- two-horse race here, the rivalry between the two. And could this current situation benefit Airbus even more? That seems to be potentially the case and also one of the reasons that we're seeing Boeing shares under pressure. Because if it can't do it and Airbus can, then obviously that is problematic for Boeing. So those shares down by 1 and 1/2% here this--
