'Black and brown people are being killed for no reason'

Protesters took to the streets in Brooklyn, NY again to call for an end to police brutality and justice for those like George Floyd.

Video Transcript


- [BLEEP] you. [BLEEP] Floyd [BLEEP] George Floyd. What's his name? George Floyd.

- Black and brown people are being gunned down and killed in cold blood. I mean, when does it stop?

- --up. Don't shoot. Hands up. Don't shoot. Hands up. Don't shoot. Hands up. Don't shoot. Hands up--

- First two days, I was numb.

- This is so desensitized to us now, because we see it over and over and over and over again. And to add to the anxiety and depression that we already feel being stuck in a pandemic, and then to see one of our own still killed in the middle of a [BLEEP] pandemic. I mean, I don't know how else you would feel.

- I think we're in a time where the pandemic allows a lot of people who wouldn't usually be out here to be out here. And we're gonna keep momentum up. There's gonna be actual change this time. It's not just gonna be one hot spot. It's gonna spread across the country.


- And that's why we're here today. We're here to represent the frustration and the anger toward situations just like this that have been overlooked for years and to a system that doesn't punish those who need to be held accountable. That's why we're here.

- And it's not only about George Floyd. It's about Breonna Taylor and the countless others who have lost their lives because of their blackness.

- Until you start making sure that they understand that black lives matter, black lives won't mother-[BLEEP]-ing matter.

- Yeah!


- Yeah!

- [INAUDIBLE] let them know that your black boy matter, because I know my black son matters. I know my black dad matters. I know my black husband matter. I know my black children matter. I know all you black brothers out here matter.

So until you start telling them that we matter, they won't give a [BLEEP] about you. So on the count of three, black lives matter. Black lives matter. Keep moving.

- Black lives matt--
