Fearful, Lazy or Just Plain Stuck? 29 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Gifts (Motiongraphic)

Fearful, Lazy or Just Plain Stuck? 29 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Gifts (Motiongraphic)·Entrepreneur

Life, at times, can feel like it’s numbly drifting past. Laziness, anxiety, unhealthy habits, fear -- all can contribute to a blocked mental state that hinders professional achievement as well as personal fulfillment.

Need a creative jolt? We’ve got just the thing.

From silly tips -- like singing in the shower, drinking coffee and reading a page out of the dictionary -- to more profound practices, like training yourself to stay open to risks and allowing yourself to fail, the MotionGraphic (above) by Japanese design studio TO-FU, shares 29 ways to keep your creative juices flowing.

So step away from the computer, grab a notebook and free-write while blasting some of your favorite music. Or, better yet, take a long nap, tidy up your workspace, and then travel someplace you’ve never been before.

By harnessing a watchful mind and establishing dynamic patterns, you’ll be one step closer to building the business of your dreams.

Related: From Beethoven to Marissa Mayer: The Bizarre Habits of Highly Creative People

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