15 Toxic Instagram Trends That Should Not Be Promoted

Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. With over a billion users, it is no secret that this platform influences children and adults alike. From entertainment to shopping, Instagram is growing to be a one-stop-destination for all. In the past few years, we have all witnessed the growth of problematic content being aired as "entertainment." Here are some of the most toxic trends that I think actually should just be banned.

Salon Line / Via media.giphy.com

1.Cancel culture

NBC / Via tenor.com

While calling out and holding people accountable for their actions is necessary, cancel culture publicly shames a person and does not even give them a chance to see their mistake and become a better person. It's almost just become a trend to cancel someone instead of collectively trying to teach each other to be better.


NBC / Via tenor.com

Sadfishing is a trend in which influencers and celebrities come on live broadcasts and cry for clout. Expressing human emotions is necessary, but crying on live? Huh?!

3.Glorification of overworking

E! Now / Via tenor.com

Not every hobby has to be a hustle. We are allowed to have creative outlets that don't bring in money.

4.The idea of a "perfect" life

Bravo / Via tenor.com

It's a farce that makes other people feel bad about their own lives.

5.Inability to tolerate disagreements

NBC / Via tenor.com

Not everyone has to agree with your opinions and beliefs. Can't we all just agree to disagree? Of course, some issues ARE completely black and white (there's never an excuse to agree with homophobia, for instance). But can we acknowledge there's a lot of grey area when it comes to many topics?

6.Filming strangers

misfittsofficial/tenor / Via tenor.com

You might not want your life to be private, but I want mine to be.

7.Pranks that can cause physical harm

ladymartin/tenor / Via tenor.com

Drinking sanitizers? Going out and licking things in the middle of a global pandemic? Really?!

8."Influencers" giving out health and financial advice

biznessrebels/tenor / Via tenor.com

Skincare influencers are often not dermatologists. Fitness influencers do not have a medical degree.

9.Public grieving

Gify / Via tenor.com

The public grieving of victims of violent crimes without even taking the victims' families and their feelings into consideration. Your #hashtagRIP isn't as empathetic as you think it is.

10.Child influencers

E! Now / Via tenor.com

Family influencers pranking their children and profiting by making them do stuff on screen.

11.Demanding unsolicited gifts

amberscholl/tenor / Via tenor.com

The trend of influencers demanding gifts from small businesses and threatening to post bad reviews if they don't agree... isn't that just extortion?

12.Recording yourself helping people in need for clout


You don't need to broadcast your "altruistic" nature.

13.Making depression, anxiety, OCD and other chronic mental illnesses an aesthetic

TriStar Pictures / Via tenor.com

No, you are not "a little" OCD or ADHD. Mental illnesses are not adjectives.

14.Unrealistic beauty standards

15.Expecting entertainers to educate

NBC / Via tenor.com

Not every entertainer or educator has to talk about every issue. Nobody has a responsibility to educate you but yourself.

What are some toxic Instagram trends that really grind your gears? Let me know in the comments below!
