4 Reasons to Believe the Deep State (or the NSA) Created Bitcoin


Who is the creator of Bitcoin? The mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, who has written the Bitcoin Whitepaper, has never been identified. Since 2009, there have been many theories of whom created Bitcoin. Some even think the NSA created it.

1.) They did create part of it for sure

SHA-256 is the secure hashing algorithm which is an essential part of Bitcoin’s architecture. It is an NSA hash function algorithm first published in 2001.

“How Bitcoin Protocol Works” – Andreas Antonopoulos

This is a really excellent lecture about SHA-256 and how it is used by the Bitcoin protocol, because it’s very technical (instead of using metaphors to describe how Bitcoin works), and someone who isn’t a computer nerd can take most of it in and understand what he’s saying:

Read the full story on CCN.com.
