Best Value CBD Oil Title Goes To Certified Organic Brand With No Additives Or Flavorings

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2019 / The title of ‘Best Value’ CBD oil goes to an organic CBD company in the U.S. which offers pure CBD oil products consisting of concentrated oils in three different potencies as well as a Softgel capsule, see here

The CBD market continues to grow rapidly with new CBD products being created from a number of new companies. And in recent months a number of well-established companies and national retailers are beginning to carry CBD products, although thus far the national retailers who have announced their intention to carry CBD are only doing so with topical creams which have no proven value. So to date, the big national chains are shying away from ingestible CBD products.

Shopping for CBD at large national chains limits consumers to a handful of brand choices and topical products. Discriminating buyers will find a much greater selection of CBD online. And even then, the leading online retailers such as Amazon do not allow the sale of CBD at the present time. Consumers can buy unduly expensive hemp seed oil on Amazon, but hemp seed oil does not contain any CBD. Many people perceive CBD oil and hemp seed oil are the same but they are not.

Some industry experts expect the major chains like Walgreen’s and CVS to dominate the market but that remains to be seen since presently they are only propose to sell topicals. There is no evidence to suggest any benefit from using topical CBD products.

By the end of 2019, at least one industry forecaster projects the CBD market to reach the $5 billion mark. After the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill the second leg of the expansion of the CBD market took hold as more companies and entrepreneurs sensed a higher degree of legal comfort in a market where the laws surrounding CBD remain murky and vary greatly from state to state. The reason for the dramatic increase in topical offerings likely relates to the confused state of the FDA rules and state laws. This is unfortunate for consumers because of the questionable value of topical CBD as large retailers attempt to grab a piece of the thriving CBD market. Ingestible liquid CBD, also known as CBD tinctures, continues to dominate the market this year and much of the sales of ingestible CBD take place online.

In addition to the question value of using topical CBD there are a number of other caveats for consumers to be aware of. First and foremost among them are being careful to avoid fake CBD. There are bogus synthetic CBD products popping up and some of them can be dangerous.

An excellent source for examining basic facts about most of the leading CBD companies is CBDReVu, which has become a leading information warehouse for consumers seeking to select high quality CBD products by doing product comparisons of a number of different brands in one place. Consumers can do quick brand comparisons at a glance for most of the top selling CBD products including well-known brands such as CBDPure, NuLeaf Naturals, Garden of Life CBD, Kannaway Pure, Charlotte’s Web CBD, Endoca, Irie CBD, Sensi Seeds, CBD Essence, Receptra Naturals, Bluebird Botanicals, CBD Pure Softgels, Hemp Meds RSHO Real Scientific Hemp Oil, Vitamin Shop CBD, Rick Simpson Oil, Elixinol, Pure Kana, Restorative Botanicals and more.

CBDReVu advises that consumers should be aware that hemp oils and hemp powders sold in supermarkets are made mostly from hemp seeds and should be expected to have little or no CBD oil contained in the product. So, products labeled as hemp oil or hemp seed oil should be assumed to contain no CBD whatsoever unless the label specifically states that it does.

CBDReVu is an A+ Rated Better Business Bureau Accredited informational website founded in 2017 featuring brand profiles of popular CBD products.


Chaz Sanderson


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