Google Hangout With Jason Falls on Tapping the Power of Social Media for Business

Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. LinkedIn. Google+. The world of social media is expanding rapidly, and it's becoming an increasingly critical part of an online marketer's strategy. But from knowing the right times of day to post to dealing with complaints and finding time to do it all, social media can create as many headaches for business owners as it does opportunities.

That's why we've asked online marketing expert Jason Falls to join me in a Google Hangout, "Tap Into the Power of Social Media," to answer all your burning questions. It's happening today (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. EST. You can tune in here (via this post) or by signing in directly through Google+.

Sign up now, and make sure to tweet your questions using the #EntLive hashtag, on our Facebook Page or in the comments section below. We'll get to as many as we can.

Related: How to Drive Sales Through Social Media
Related: How to Get Your Money's Worth From Social Media Campaigns
