Largest option buying in equities so far

Nearing the halfway mark in today's session, here are the individual equity names with the most call and put buying on optionMONSTER's ActionTracker data system.

Radian (RDN): An investor bought 5,000 January 15 calls for $0.70 and sold an equal number of January 17 calls for $0.35. The trade cost $0.35 and will earn a profit of 471 percent if the financial guarantor closes at $17 or higher on expiration. RDN rose 0.38 percent to $10.49.

BP (BP): A block of 12,700 April 44 calls were bought for $0.02 but volume was below open interest at the strike. BP rose 0.24 percent to $41.06.

Intel (INTC): Almost 11,000 May 20 puts traded for $0.19 and $0.20 ahead of the chip maker's earnings announcement this afternoon. INTC rose 1.50 percent to $21.70 Bank of America

(:BAC): More than 11,000 January 10 puts were sold for $0.47 as investors look for the financial giant to hold its ground over the course of 2013. BAC rose 1.63 percent to $12.18.

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