McDonald’s adult Happy Meal toys sell for thousands on eBay

In this article:

Yahoo Finance Live anchors discuss the secondhand market for McDonald's adult Happy Meal toys and the buzz generated by the fast food chain.

Video Transcript

JULIE HYMAN: Anyway, if you were lucky enough to have an adult Happy Meal from McDonald's, you may have a big payday in your future. The toys that came inside the meal are now selling on eBay for thousands, with one listed as high as $300,000. If you want to buy one yourself, don't worry. There are plenty on the website still selling for 10 or 20 bucks. The whole set could run you up to $70. The fry smell, it comes with it for free. You ever notice that? Like, the stuff--

BRAD SMITH: Oh, yeah.

JULIE HYMAN: --in the Happy Meal, like, retains that fry smell.

BRIAN SOZZI: Do you know how much it makes my day to see you talking about this $300,000--

JULIE HYMAN: About the Happy Meal? [INAUDIBLE]

BRIAN SOZZI: --adult Happy Meal toy set? No, I shopped at McDonald's. Look, they came out with these toys. It drove some buzz. It looks like they drove some traffic. Also out with the Halloween pails, which I know our 3:00 to 5:00 team previewed, plastic pail. Big innovation right there from McDonald's. Very excited about it.

JULIE HYMAN: It's not an innovation. It's retro. They've had them before.

BRIAN SOZZI: I know. I used to have one as a kid.

JULIE HYMAN: So that's not innovation.

BRIAN SOZZI: I always wanted to use a pillow case. My mom would not let me. I'd use this dumb pail, but there they are on the screen.

JULIE HYMAN: The pails are awesome. You wanted to use them--

BRIAN SOZZI: The cool kids wanted-- all the cool kids used pillowcases. Pillowcases were cool.

JULIE HYMAN: What was it like in Philly?

BRAD SMITH: I mean, I don't even remember getting [INAUDIBLE] Happy Meals--


--quite honestly. We didn't--

JULIE HYMAN: No, but on Halloween, what'd you use?

BRAD SMITH: Oh, I didn't go Halloween trick-or-treating growing up.

JULIE HYMAN: Oh, wow. We got to talk about this offline, OK.
